Working Principle and Model Selection of Pusher Centrifuges

Pusher Centrifuge is a high-efficiency separation equipment widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, and other industries. Its design and operating principle enable efficient solid-liquid separation and washing in continuous operation. This article will introduce the working principle of the pusher centrifuge and the principles for selecting the model to help you better understand and choose the right equipment.

Working Principle of Pusher Centrifuge

The material to be separated, after adjusting the solid-liquid ratio, is continuously supplied to the pusher centrifuge through the feed tube. The feed distributor evenly spreads the material onto the first-stage drum. Through the screen, most of the mother liquid is filtered here, collected by the housing, and discharged through the outlet. The solid material is retained on the screen, forming a filter cake, which is gradually pushed to the second-stage drum by the pusher plate under the action of the first-stage drum, which rotates and reciprocates, causing position changes on the screen and obtaining greater centrifugal force. Because the filter cake stays in the drum for sufficient time, it can achieve a very low moisture content under the action of strong centrifugal force. Meanwhile, the filter cake in the second-stage drum is gradually pushed outward, and when it reaches the outlet of the second-stage drum, it is continuously discharged through the outlet of the machine housing. When high purity of the solid is required, very effective washing can be carried out inside the centrifuge. The washing liquid is continuously sprayed onto the solid filter cake through the washing tube and then discharged through the screen and machine housing. If needed, the separated mother liquid and washing liquid can also be collected and discharged separately.

Principles for Selecting Pusher Centrifuge Models

When selecting a suitable pusher centrifuge, it is necessary to evaluate according to the material characteristics and production requirements. Here are some selection principles:

Continuous Operation and High Throughput Demand

If continuous operation and high throughput are required, a horizontal piston pusher centrifuge should be selected. This pusher centrifuge machine can efficiently handle large batches of material.

Solid Content of the Suspension

When the mass fraction of the suspension is between 30%~80%, a horizontal piston pusher centrifuge is suitable. The higher the solid content in the suspension, the greater the production capacity. In actual production, low-concentration materials can use pre-concentration equipment, such as hydrocyclones, sedimentation tanks, or thickeners, or add pre-concentration devices to the horizontal centrifuge itself to meet separation requirements.

Particle Size and Shape of the Material

The larger the particle size of the solid phase of the material handled by the horizontal piston pusher centrifuge, the better, and the crystal particles need to have a certain shape, retaining enough drainage channels under the action of centrifugal force. The average particle size of material crystals should be greater than 180μm, and the viscosity of the feed should be less than 0.1Pa·S. When higher requirements for filter cake moisture content and washing are present, a horizontal dual-stage piston pusher centrifuge or column/cone dual-stage piston pusher centrifuge can be selected.

Strength and Purity of the Filter Cake

Horizontal piston pusher centrifuge requires a certain strength of the filter cake. Insufficient consolidated strength of the filter cake layer may cause bulging and accumulation, leading to abnormal operation of the equipment. The dual-stage piston pusher centrifuge is suitable for separating crystalline or short-fiber suspensions of medium particle size, especially for materials that require washing inside the machine. It has less stringent requirements on the material compared to the single-stage piston pusher centrifuge, but it requires stable feed concentration and uniform feeding, with a solid phase average particle size of 0.1~3mm.

Special Material Separation

Horizontal column/cone dual-stage piston pusher centrifuge is suitable for separating materials that ordinary horizontal dual-stage piston pusher centrifuge can handle, as well as crystalline particles of fine particle size. The requirements for the feed concentration and temperature are the same as those for horizontal single-stage and dual-stage piston pusher centrifuges.

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