Principles for Maintaining Pharmaceutical Centrifuge Machines

The centrifuge primarily utilizes the powerful centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation of its rotor to quickly sediment the particles in the liquid, thereby separating substances in the sample with different sedimentation coefficients and buoyancy densities. It plays a pivotal role in fields such as medicine and biomedical sciences. In recent years, with the continuous development of industries such as pharmaceuticals, the market size of pharmaceutical centrifuge machines has also been steadily expanding.

A good centrifuge is key to ensuring stable operation and high-quality separation. During usage, users must be aware of relevant knowledge about centrifuges to extend the equipment's lifespan and improve its effectiveness. So, how should one maintain a pharmaceutical centrifuge machine? A technician from a centrifuge manufacturer listed three rules.

Pharmaceutical Centrifuge Machine Maintenance: First Rule

When users detect a fault in the pharmaceutical centrifuge machine system, they can tentatively change certain states, altering one parameter at a time. For example, to address issues with chromatography peak retention, one could sequentially change the mobile phase, replace the guard column, or replace the analytical column.

Technicians suggest that there is no need to be overly concerned when a fault occurs. Sometimes, a simple change might solve the issue.

Pharmaceutical Centrifuge Machine Maintenance: Second Comparison Rule

If users have identified the fault before starting the repair, or have determined a solution, they can try the second comparison rule.

For example, if during the sample injection process the user finds that the peak value of the internal standard has decreased, they can repeat the injection to check for consistency. If the decrease is occasional, they might check if air bubbles have entered the quantitation tube or other causes.

It is worth noting that the second comparison rule can also be used to examine the situation after system changes. After replacing the mobile phase, users can inject the standard sample twice before formal injection to check the stability of retention time and chromatographic peaks. In gradient elution, if there are unwanted peaks, users can perform a blank gradient elution once. Using this rule can help avoid unnecessary changes and assist users in quickly determining corrective measures.

Pharmaceutical Centrifuge Machine Maintenance: Replacement Rule

If users suspect that the fault is caused by a particular component, they can replace the suspicious component with a normal one to rule out the fault.

For example, if users suspect that the detector is causing noise issues, they can replace it with a well-performing detector. If the fault is resolved, it indicates that the replaced detector had issues. Technicians note that this rule can be applied on various scales, from replacing entire components to swapping integrated blocks on a printed circuit board.

In summary, mastering the three rules above helps users more easily identify the causes of pharmaceutical centrifuge machine faults, perform better maintenance, ensure stable and normal operation of the equipment, and extend its lifespan. If these rules fail to resolve the user's issues, it is necessary to contact the equipment manufacturer and request professional maintenance. This also reminds centrifuge procurement manufacturers that choosing a reputable manufacturer is crucial; avoid opting for less reputable, inexperienced, and irresponsible manufacturers due to low prices.

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