Pressure Drum Filter Improves Production Efficiency

For fine particles, especially ultra-fine particle products, pressure filtration is the preferred technology for achieving higher specific filtration rates and higher product quality. Pressure Drum Filters adopt a closed design and can be operated under inert gas. When conventional methods fail to meet the requirements, Pressure Drum Filters are the right choice for efficiently and reliably meeting your separation needs. Therefore, operating at pressures up to 10 bar and temperatures up to 200℃ is no longer an obstacle.

Product Advantages of Pressure Drum Filters

Pressure Drum Filters offer obvious advantages. Firstly, they feature high flow rates with low residual moisture and high washing efficiency. This means that after processing, the moisture content in the product is extremely low, ensuring higher product quality. Secondly, optimized hydraulic efficiency makes the entire process more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. The easily accessible process area, using quick-clamping rings to lock the pressure vessel, facilitates maintenance and inspection by operators.

Additionally, Pressure Drum Filters significantly reduce maintenance costs with their easy-to-maintain and wear-resistant discharge systems. They are also suitable for effective steam-boosting and can process suspensions at high pressures and temperatures, handling toxic products. The adjustable pressure differential in each filter zone makes it perform exceptionally well in various complex applications.

Application Processes of Pressure Drum Filters

Pressure Drum Filters are widely used in fields like plastic intermediates (such as BPA, PTA, PET, melamine, etc.), dyes, ore pigments (such as iron oxide, titanium dioxide), soda, pharmaceuticals, and more. During equipment operation, the suspension to be filtered is continuously fed into the filter tank. Depending on the specific application, different systems can be used to ensure uniform mixing of the slurry. Specially designed swing stirrers effectively prevent solid precipitation.

The casing of the drum filter is divided into compartments and covered with filter cloth. About 30% of the filter area is submerged in the suspension, and the drum rotates at a speed of up to 6 rpm. Pressure Drum Filters operate under pressure within the pressure vessel, forcing the liquid to pass through the filter cloth. Inside the control head, the drum surface is divided into different process steps: cake forming, cake washing, dewatering, discharging, and cloth washing. During a full rotation, each point on the drum passes through these zones sequentially. The filtrate is discharged through a hydraulically optimized suction unit, filtrate tubes, control head, and separator.

As the drum rotates, the filtered solid layer emerges from the slurry, is then washed, dried, and removed from the filter cloth. Washing liquid is applied to the filter cake directly through washing devices (weirs, nozzles) or through a washing belt placed on top of the solid layer. The filtrate from the washing zone can be discharged separately, allowing for multi-step counter-current washing. The filter cake is discharged by means of discharge devices that span the entire drum width, which are specifically adapted to the filter cake's thickness, consistency, and structure (such as scraper blades or rollers).

As the drum continues to rotate, it re-immerses into the suspension. The filter cloth can be cleaned with water jets or bubbles before the next filter cycle. If the pressure levels in the connected process steps differ from the working pressure of the pressure drum filter, a rotary valve is used for balancing.

Cost Advantages of Pressure Drum Filters

Pressure Drum Filters not only have significant technical advantages but also perform excellently in terms of cost. Reducing the total number of machines used in the process lowers investment costs. They occupy a smaller footprint and require fewer peripheral devices, significantly reducing operational costs. Furthermore, Pressure Drum Filters further reduce operational costs due to lower specific energy consumption and fewer parts required. Their optimized design facilitates inspection and saves time, minimizing downtime and thus increasing production efficiency.

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