Practical Applications of Centrifuge for Sludge Dewatering

According to the principle of centrifugal sedimentation,the centrifuge for sludge dewatering is an important piece of equipment used for sludge concentration and dewatering. This article will introduce the centrifuge for sludge dewatering's working principle, equipment advantages and disadvantages, and daily management considerations, to help you better understand and use this equipment.

Working Principle of the Centrifuge for Sludge Dewatering

The centrifuge for sludge dewatering uses the centrifugal force generated by high-speed rotation to separate sludge into solid and liquid phases. The specific working process includes:

Sludge feeding and separation

Sludge enters the drum through the feeding system. Under the action of high-speed centrifugal force, solid particles are thrown to the inner wall of the drum to form a solid ring layer, while water forms a liquid ring layer.

Solid-liquid separation

The solid in the solid ring layer is pushed by the screw conveyor, discharged along the conical end of the drum to form dewatered sludge solids. The liquid in the liquid ring layer overflows through the weir, forming separated liquid, which is then discharged out of the dewatering machine by gravity.

Equipment Advantages and Disadvantages of the Centrifuge for Sludge Dewatering


  • High-efficiency dewatering: Utilizes strong centrifugal force to quickly achieve solid-liquid separation, improving dewatering efficiency.

  • High degree of automation: Most are equipped with automatic control systems, making operation simple and convenient.

  • Wide applicability: Capable of handling various types of sludge, including those with medium to high concentrations.

  • Small footprint: Occupies less area compared to other dewatering equipment.


  • High energy consumption: Due to the need to maintain high-speed rotation, energy consumption is relatively high.

  • Sensitive to sludge types: The suitability of the equipment varies with different types of sludge, requiring adjustments to operating parameters.

  • High maintenance costs: Due to the high-speed rotation of internal components, maintenance and replacement costs are higher.

  • High initial investment: The initial investment is higher compared to other dewatering equipment.

Daily Management Considerations for the Centrifuge for Sludge Dewatering

Pretreatment system

The feed to the centrifuge should not contain scum larger than0.5cm or sand grains above 65 mesh. Strengthening the pretreatment system is required.

Temperature control

Low temperatures in winter can affect dewatering performance. Maintain the chemical solution temperature at least above10°C indoors.

Equipment inspection

Regularly check the oil tank level, bearing lubrication, current, voltage, equipment vibration, and noise. Address any issues promptly.

Regular maintenance

Regularly maintain chemical dosing pumps, sludge feeding pumps, gearboxes, or frequency converters as per the operation manual or experience.

Shutdown procedures

Stop sludge feeding before shutdown, flush with clean water or hot water, ensure the inner wall of the equipment is clean to prevent rusting.

Laboratory tests

Each shift should test the solid content of feed sludge, the solid content of sludge cakes, and the SS, ammonia nitrogen, and total phosphorus of the filtrate. Calculate the total solid feed, solid recovery rate, dry sludge dosing, and power consumption.

By implementing the above measures, the operational efficiency and stability of the centrifuge for sludge dewatering can be effectively improved, prolonging the equipment's service life and ensuring a clean and safe production environment.The centrifuge for sludge dewatering, as an important equipment for sludge treatment, plays an irreplaceable role in environmental engineering.

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