Common Issues with Horizontal Centrifuge Machines in Wastewater Treatment Plants

Horizontal Centrifuge Machine (Horizontal Spiral Discharge Sedimentation Centrifuge) is mainly composed of a drum, a screw, a differential system, a drive system, and a control system. In the process of sludge dewatering in sewage treatment plants, Horizontal Centrifuge Machine is widely used. Despite the differences in model specifications, equipment structure, materials, and operating parameters among various manufacturers, their working principles are basically similar, using centrifugal force to accelerate solid sedimentation for solid-liquid separation.

The Clogging Issue of Horizontal Centrifuge Machine 

In actual operation, Horizontal Centrifuge Machine often faces clogging issues, manifested as poor solid discharge or complete blockage. These phenomena include increased current, dull operation sound of equipment, and uneven solid phase discharge. When completely clogged, the equipment may alarm and shut down, requiring timely handling.

Causes and Solutions

  • Unreasonable equipment structure. If the taper angle is too large, the pitch is too large, etc., due to equipment reasons, if the structure is unreasonable, the user themselves cannot solve it;

  • Operating parameters not matching the site conditions; such as differential control, drum speed, etc. The solution is to stop feeding, wait for the equipment to run for a few minutes, then adjust the drum speed (generally slowing down the drum speed), increase the differential speed, and feed a small amount of material for separation. Once the equipment operation is stable, increase the feed amount.

Poor Dehydration Effect of Horizontal Centrifuge Machine 

Poor dehydration effect means a high moisture content in the solid phase, affecting forming and transport capacity. This may be caused by poor flocculant performance or improper setting of operating parameters.


  • First, check if the flocculant performance is normal and if permeability is good. If the flocculation effect is poor, it is difficult to meet the working condition requirements for dehydration, and the dosage is large, resulting in high operating costs. Finding a suitable flocculant greatly helps improve dehydration effect and reduce operating costs.

  • Adjust operating parameters to improve dehydration effect by increasing drum speed or adjusting differential speed to improve dehydration efficiency, replacing the flow regulation plate, thereby achieving the desired dehydration effect.

Low Handling Capacity and High Operating Cost of Horizontal Centrifuge Machine 

Due to different equipment structures from various manufacturers, the handling capacity of the same model can vary significantly. The handling capacity and medication dosage directly affect the increase in operating costs. When purchasing a Horizontal Centrifuge Machine, it is crucial to choose a manufacturer with strong production capacity, good after-sales service, and high cost-performance ratio. Choosing a good partner is the most economical and low operation cost factor for users.

By solving these common issues, sewage treatment plants can improve Horizontal Centrifuge Machine efficiency and reliability, reduce operating costs, and ensure smooth environmental protection work.

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